2024 Virtual Adjudicators

Kyra Millan

Songs from the Screen and More - Primary Level and Duets

Kyra Millan

Kyra's career in arts education began 25 years ago, facilitating opera workshops for the Canadian Opera Company, as well as musical director of their "Summer Youth Intensive" training program. Kyra became interem Artistic Director of the Canadian Children's Opera Company from 2020-2021. She has lead teaching workshops as a guest artist educator on behalf of the Royal Conservatory of Music, Opera Atelier, and the Canadian Opera Company and led workshops and training programs with; Workman Arts (CAMH), Abilities Arts, Kiwanis, Soundstreams Canada and, most recently, TIFF. She also founded and directed "Gleesical"- an after school program teaching creative collaboration and resulted in student led musicals composed, performed, written and produced by young people. A sought after singing adjudicator, Kyra has adjudicated in local as well as Provincial level competitions for both Ontario and PEI.

As a performer, Kyra is half of the Opera Comedy duo "Millan & Faye". Their tours took them throughout Ontario, including performances at The Four Seasons Centre, Hugh's Room, Richmond Hills Performance Centre, Elora Festival, Hamilton Philharmonic's "What Next Festival", and Chamberfest. They were a part of Last summer's Edwards Summer Music series, and will be featured in next Summer's Toronto Summer Music Festival.

Kyra's bliss is working with people's voices and teaching singing at her home studio in Toronto.