We want to extend our deepest gratitude for your generous support of world music and the meaningful connection it fosters among the younger generation. Your commitment to promoting musical education and cultural exchange is truly inspiring.
The OMFA Provincial Finals will be held in the Oakville / Burlington region from June 10 to 15, 2024
Register with one of our Member Festivals for the opportunity to be recommended to the 2024 Provincial Finals.
Click on Member Festivals to find the festival(s) you would like to enter!
Local Festivals take place starting in November 2023 until May 2024. We have 40 different Festivals for you to choose from.
Once you have received notification from your local festival that you have been recommended to Provincials, this is also the website to come to register. Registration for Provincials will begin on January 2024.
Competitors MUST take the first recommendation they are given from a Local Festival.
We want to extend our deepest gratitude for your generous support of world music and the meaningful connection it fosters among the younger generation. Your commitment to promoting musical education and cultural exchange is truly inspiring.
The Provincial Finals was a memorable and impactful experience, and a chance for growth.
Some real vocal gems! It gives me hope for the future!
I was the grateful recipient of second place in the Level 10 Provincial Finals this year. I would like to express my gratitude for this extraordinary opportunity. Though reaching this point was never easy, this experience was something I'll always remember, and that is all because of you and your awesome team. It is something that I can be proud of - to say, "I participated in OMFA!"
These chances to perform live on stage and receive invaluable feedback from the talented and experienced adjudicators do not come by often and it is so beneficial and special when they do. Once again, I thank you for making this brilliant experience possible, and for helping generations of young musicians like me feel confident, proud and ready to perform in their musicial journey.
It's been amazing to adjudicate talented young singers from different parts of Ontario at the Ontario Music Festivals Association Provincial Finals competition.
A heartfelt thank you to OMFA for this incredible opportunity. This means the world to us, and we're deeply grateful for the encouragement and support. Thanks Ontario Music Festivals Association for giving us this amazing platform to shine!
Competing at Ontario Music Festivals Association has provided me with so many valuable experiences and opportunities! I highly recommend entering your local festival, and if recommended - to carry on to the provincial level!
My goal is to have my performances bring joy and happiness to my audiences, and to encourage more people around the world to get to know the guzheng music, as I believe guzheng is a beautiful instrument that everyone should get at least one chance to enjoy in their lifetime.
I put a lot of effort into every musical piece I play, and I am slowly but surely making my way to achieving my dream of becoming a professional guzheng player.
Once again, you have my deepest gratitude for supporting me in my steps to success.
We are an organization of volunteers serving music festivals across the province, and through them, over 170,000 young classical musicians.
We envision a world that appreciates music.
The Ontario Music Festivals Association (OMFA) is a registered not-for-profit charity committed to providing a platform for cultivating excellence in music performance and speech arts.
The OMFA engages professional adjudicators who embrace our philosophy of motivating, educating and inspiring participants at the annual Provincial Music Festival through written comments and live workshops.
We provide an important step in the journey towards excellence in music performance with educational opportunities for students and teachers.
We strive to develop well-rounded individuals with positive life and performance skills who will give back their gifts to the community, ensuring that the arts will continue to flourish.
OMFA's main objective is the development and encouragement of talented Ontario youth in the performance and knowledge of classical music, speech arts, popular music and music theatre.
Engagement in the arts builds skills and confidence; helps create a positive self-image, improves mental health and develops a capacity for cultural appreciation that can last a lifetime.
Create high calibre music and speech arts experiences for all participants
Deliver and expand virtual live performance opportunities that contribute to the cultural fabric of Ontario
Develop a comprehensive marketing, communications, and community outreach strategy
Foster a sustainable, inclusive and diverse provincial festival organization that cultivates and delivers an impactful music and speech arts experience for all Ontario youth