Virtual Festival - Rules and Regulations

By submitting an entry it means that you have read and understood the rules and regulations.

We are very excited to be able to offer both live and virtual opportunities to musicians/actors who qualify through their local festivals.

  1. We are offering competitive classes for instrumental levels from Grade 1 to 5 (Classical Lower Strings, Classical Piano, Classical Upper Strings, Classical Woodwinds - Flute, Classical Woodwinds - Reeds)

  2. We are offering competitive classes for competitors ages 6 to 10 in Classical Voice, Musical Theatre, Popular Voice, Popular Voice Self-Accompanied, Songs from the Screen and More)

  3. We are offering duet/trio classes in all disciplines.

  4. We are offering classes for All levels of Own Composition (with and without Performance Video) and Fiddle.

  5. We are offering Small Ensemble classes for groups with 4-10 members.

  6. Band, Choir, Choral Speaking and Orchestra classes will be offered through the Virtual Festival this year.


  1. The Ontario Music Festivals Association (OMFA) is managed by the OMFA Board of Directors and the designated Provincial Administrator.

  2. All decisions of the OMFA Executive Committee regarding any Provincial Finals matter within or outside the rules or syllabus shall be final and binding.

  3. Requests for further clarification or interpretation of these rules may be made, in writing, to the OMFA Executive Committee.


  1. Competitors must be 28 and under as of December 31, 2024. Amateur Adult competitors must be 29 and over. For the purposes of this competition, for age level classes, ages are based on how old the competitor was as of December 31st, 2024.

  2. Competitors must live or study in the Province of Ontario or in the Gatineau, Quebec area.

  3. Competitors must play/sing/perform at least one of the selections they performed at the Local Festival for which they must have received a minimum mark of 85. The second (or third, if applicable) selections are the competitors' own choice but must be at the same grade/level.

  4. All competitors must be amateurs. For the purpose of the OMFA Provincial Finals competition, an amateur shall be defined as any person whose principle means of livelihood is not obtained from the performance or teaching of music in the particular category in which they are competing, even though, from time to time, they may receive remuneration on an occasional basis (not full-time). Please click here for the full definition of Amateur vs Professional:

  5. Competitors may only enter in one level of competition per discipline (i.e. only once in Classical Piano, only once in Popular Voice, etc.) at their correct instrumental grade or age level. Please note that Open entrants in piano who wish to play a concerto must enter in the appropriate Piano Concerto classes.

    For the purposes of this competition:
    a) Classical Piano, Piano Concertos and Popular Piano are three different disciplines.
    b) Classical Voice, Musical Theatre, Songs from the Screen and More, Popular Voice and Self-Accompanied Popular Voice are five different disciplines.

  6. Open Level competitors must be performing at the ARCT/A.Mus. level or above but do not have to have attained their associate degree.

  7. If a competitor has completed the repertoire section and taken a partial Conservatory examination before December 31, 2024, they are not eligible to enter that graded level of the Provincial Finals.

  8. Once a competitor has entered one level, they may not enter a lower level for the same instrument/discipline in future years.

  9. If a competitor places first in a level they may not enter the same level the following year for the same instrument/discipline except in Musical Theatre, Speech Arts & Percussion.

  10. Repertoire cannot be repeated from year to year or if entering two different classes.

  11. For duets, trios and chamber groups with 3 members - The original group must attend. Substituions are not permitted.
    For chamber groups with 4 or 5 members - one member may be substituted.

Virtual Festival Registration Information

  1. Registration will be available to competitors starting on the first day of their local festival and will continue for a period of 3 weeks (where possible) after the last day of the festival..

  2. To register, click on Account at the top right of this page.

  3. You may register at any point up to and including your registration date. Early registration is strongly encouraged.

  4. You need to register, pay for your entry and provide the YouTube links for your performances before your recommended festival's deadline. You must submit your repertoire and YouTube link at this time.

  5. Videos, final repertoire selection and payment must be completed by your festival's registration deadline.

    If you need to change your pieces or videos after your registration deadline you are able to do so up until May 1st, however there will be a change fee of $25 (per change) that must be submitted by e-transfer.

    There will be no exceptions to this rule.

    Early registration is strongly encouraged.

    The YouTube video can be either public or unlisted but the "Kids for YouTube" setting must be turned off.

  6. OMFA reserves the right to reject any entry for any reason.

  7. It is the responsibility of every Competitor and/or Parent/Guardian to ensure that they have read and fully understood all parts of this Syllabus.

    It is important to note the following reasons that will result in automatic disqualification:
    • Putting TBD, TBC, or TBA in any field.
    • Entry fee not paid by deadline.
    • Performance video not included in registration by deadline.
    • Failure to provide full original scores for adjudicator
    • Teacher's name appearing on submitted music
    • Videotaping of other competitors, any part of the workshop or the adjudicator
    • Approaching the adjudicator without permission
    • Not attending the workshop
    • Not attending the playoffs
    • Failure to perform within the prescribed time limit
    • Use of substances (i.e. alcohol or drugs)
    • Harassing, bullying or abusive behaviour

  8. No black screens or placeholders will be allowed for virtual entries. A performance video of the competitor with their registered repertoire must be submitted by the local festival Provincial deadline.

Entry/Registration Forms

  1. Competitors MUST take the first recommendation they are given from a Local Festival. Once a recommendation for a particular grade/level has been accepted, it is not possible to be recommended for a higher grade/level at a later festival.

  2. You must follow the repertoire requirements as listed in the specific OMFA syllabus for your instrument/voice/speech arts.

  3. Completed registration forms must be submitted electronically using the online registration form by 11:59 pm on the date of your local festival's entry deadline. Please refer to the Local Festival Deadlines page ( for your local festival's deadline date.

  4. The full entry fee for each competitor must be paid by credit card through Stripe at the time of registration. Because of fixed costs for the Provincial Finals, the entry fee is not refundable for any reason, except under circumstances where the entry is refused by OMFA. In these cases, OMFA will withhold a $25 processing fee. Refunds will not be given for failure to read and obey the rules and regulations.

  5. Late applications will be accepted for a maximum of 3 days after your Local Festival's deadline. For festival's with a deadline of May 12, late entries will only be accepted for a maximum of 2 days. All entries must be received before 11:59 pm. An entry received after this time will be considered a day late and will incur a $25 late fee charge per day.

    Please refer to the Entry Deadlines page for your local festival's late entry deadline (

    There will be no exception to this rule.

  6. If you wish to make changes to your repertoire after your entry deadline has passed, you can make a request to do so by contacting the OMFA office at

    If the office approves your change, there will be a charge of $25 (per change) that must be paid by the competitor. The change will not be made until an e-transfer has been received (sent to

  7. Please ensure that you take the time to fill out the registration form completely, correctly and with ALL of the requested information. Putting "To Be Decided" in any field will not be accepted. Failure to provide all information required will result in disqualification.

  8. Entry forms must be complete to be accepted. Please use proper punctuation and do not use all caps. Full and accurate information must be included in all fields, including: Complete titles of pieces to be performed.

  9. For instrumentalists: names of composers, movements and opus numbers of works (if relevant).

  10. For Musical Theatre and Speech Arts: name of piece, source (i.e. name of musical or name of anthology), author and/or composer and lyricist.

  11. Time limits indicated within each discipline syllabus are "maximum" time limits. In most classes there is not a minimum time limit, however, in all Open Level classes the minimum performance time is 15 minutes.

  12. The playing of repeated sections in music is optional - but encouraged.Accurate timing MUST be indicated on the entry form. Adding or deleting repeated sections after an entry form is submitted is not permitted.

  13. Entry forms must be complete to be accepted. Please use proper punctuation and do not use all caps. Full and accurate information must be included in all fields, including: Complete titles of pieces to be performed with the composer's name. It is important to note that if the Festival office has to contact you because of incomplete information (i.e. missing movements, etc.) a $25 charge will be issued. Failure to pay the charge will result in disqualification.

  14. In a year when a new RCM or Conservatory Canada syllabus is introduced, the previous syllabus may be used for one year only. For reference, all RCM and CC syllabi are available online.

  15. Competitors must play the pieces as listed in the CURRENT RCM or Conservatory Canada syllabus, if relevant, (e.g. if two movements are required then two movements must be played or if it is complete, then all movements must be played, etc.)

  16. Entry fees cover the competitor's participation in the Provincial Finals only and DOES NOT include accompanist fees.

  17. Accompaniment may be acoustic piano only. The only exception to this rule is for accompaniment for Popular Voice which must be by pre-recorded piano back-track without vocal backtracks. For the Popular Self- Accompanied class accompaniment may be on acoustic piano, keyboard, guitar or ukulele.

  18. OMFA reserves the right to reject any entry for any reason.

Video Submission Information

  1. You MUST submit your YouTube video link on the day that you register.

  2. Each piece should have it's own YouTube Link for submission purposes.

  3. All videos must have "YouTube kid" settings turned off. You may choose to have your video "unlisted" but "private" videos are not permitted. Please also ensure that the video is allowed to be embedded in other programs.

  4. Only YouTube videos will be permitted (i.e. no google drives, no vimeo, no dropbox files). You will need to supply us with the link to your performance provided on the entry form.

  5. One original score of the music or purchased digital music with attached receipt for each selection must be shown on camera prior to the beginning of the performance. This rule will be strictly adhered to. Failure to include this in your video could result in disqualification.

  6. Video editing during a piece is not allowed under any circumstances. This will be automatic grounds for disqualification. Each piece should be filmed in one continuous take. The only editing allowed is the insertion of an introduction. The recording must be honest and acoustic - as if the adjudicators were in the room listening to you perform live. You must perform live on the video. No audio dubbing over your video is allowed

  7. No mixing or sound enhancement is allowed through any kind of soundboard, including a recording studio or computer. No reverb can be added to the recording. The recording must be honest and acoustic - as if the adjudicators were in the room listening to you perform live. You must perform live on the video. No audio dubbing over your video is allowed.

  8. Accompaniment may be live (acoustic or digital piano) or by pre-recorded piano back-track (no vocal or orchestral backgrounds).

  9. The video must clearly show your face and your instrument. Piano videos should clearly show your hands. For singers and speech arts competitors, a full body view is preferred. A stationary camera position must be used throughout.

  10. The video should be in the spirit of a recital or an audition and therefore you should dress appropriately.

  11. For entries in any level, your video must be titled as follows:
    Discipline 2025 - Grade Level - your name.

    For example:

    Brass 2025 - Level 4 - Mary Smith

    Musical Theatre 2025 - Senior level - Peter Smith

    Incorrectly labelled entries may not be adjudicated.

  12. You are required to introduce yourself and your selections in the video, either verbally or with a title card before each piece and must be limited to the following:
    - Your Name
    - The Grade/Level you have entered
    - The Composer and Complete Title of your selection (prior to each piece)
    For example:

    My name is John Smith. I have entered Grade 4 Piano and I will be playing Sonatina in F Major, op. 168, no. 1, 1st movement by Anton Diabelli.

    My name is Mary Smith. I have entered Junior Musical Theatre and I will be singing "My Favourite Things" from The Sound of Music. Music by Richard Rodgers, Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II.

    Do not announce your teacher's name, where you are from or the name of your recommending Local Festival.

  13. For information on posting videos we recommend exploring the Help section found on the YouTube homepage. Please note that you must select "Public" or "Unlisted" in the Privacy settings found under the broadcasting and Sharing Options section when uploading your video file to YouTube.If you select "Private" your submission will be invalid. Please only enter the OMFA Provincial Finals if you are comfortable posting a public or unlisted video on YouTube. It is highly recommended that all YouTube videos have the comments section turned off.

  14. While we do not expect professional quality video and audio, we urge you to do the best you can. Take acoustics and the placement of microphones or camera into account. Please test the recording set up before recording your video. When using a smartphone to make a recording, a better result can be achieved by holding the phone horizontally rather than vertically. Pianos used for accompaniment may be either acoustic or digital - either pre-recorded or live. Popular Vote accompaniment can be live or recorded piano or professional backtracks without vocal backgrounds.

  15. Video Submission Requirements
    a) Videos must be submitted by your Local Festival's entry deadline date for Provincials.
    b) Competitors must show on camera prior to the performance one of the following:
    • original score of the music or
    • book (show cover and open to first page) or
    • purchased digital music with attached receipt showing title and fee paid for each selection.
    • The teacher's name must not be visible anywhere on the music or the receipt.

    Not allowed:
    • Pro credit (Musicnotes)
    • subscription to a sharing website (eg. Scribd, Everand, Musescore)
    • Teacher's names on scores, books or digital music must be covered to avoid disqualification.


  1. Judging/Adjudicating will be by a qualified adjudicator in each discipline and all decisions made will be final. Criteria for judging/adjudicating will be for overall artistry but other things that will be considered are musicianship, musicality and expression, choice of repertoire, communication, presentation, and proper attire. In Classical Voice, Musical Theatre and Speech Arts voice quality, diction, characterization and acting will also be taken into consideration.

Results of the Competitions

  1. Results will be announced on the date of your competition.Results will also be posted on our website ( and on our Facebook page ( and Instagram ( before the end of June.

  2. No marks are awarded at Provincial Finals. Adjudicators will award First, Second and Third place winners as well as Honourable Mentions.

  3. Winners who receive a monetary award MUST send a hand-written thank-you letter to the donor of the prize.Contact information details will be provided.