2025 Live Syllabus - Musical Theatre - Solo

All selections in this category must be from STAGED Musical Theatre productions only.
Songs that first appeared in animated films or television shows can only be entered in Songs from the Screen and More.

General Rules
a) The maximum age is 28 years old as of December 31,2024 for all levels except Adult.
b) One original score for each selection or purchased digital music with attached receipt showing title and fee paid (not a cover page, Pro credit or subscription to a sharing website, eg. Scribd, Everand, Musescore) for each selection must be presented to the Registration desk for the Adjudicator's use on the day of competition.
c) Memorization is required.
d) Two (2) simple handheld props (e.g. comb, basket or book); one (1) standard rehearsal theatre box, one table and one chair are allowed. No other props will be permitted.
e) Costumes are allowed but will not be judged.
f) Stage movement is allowed.
g) Dance breaks are not allowed and cannot be added to the selection.
h) An amateur shall be defined as any person whose principle means of livelihood is not obtained from the performance or teaching of music in the particular category in which they are competing, even though, from time to time, they may receive remuneration on an occasional basis (not full-time). Please click here for the full definition of Amateur vs Professional: omfa.ca/glossary
i) No announcement of name or selection is allowed prior to your performance
j) All criteria listed in the OMFA General Rules (omfa.ca/live-festival/rules-and-regulations) must be strictly adhered to.

Song Selections
a) One of the selections must have been performed at the Local Festival, received a minimum mark of 85 and the recommendation of the local Adjudicator. The second selection (Elementary -Senior Levels) is the competitor's choice but must follow the rules of this category.Advanced Level performs three (3) selections.
b) Selections must be musically contrasting.The Adjudicator will take song choice into consideration.
c) Spoken passages are only allowed if published in the score being used and cannot represent more than 10% of the selection.
d) Competitors are allowed to transpose music higher or lower, but the integrity of the composer's intention with respect to the character must be observed.
e) Selections should be age appropriate and suitable for audiences of all ages. Offensive language (profanity) found in song selections must be replaced with alternate word(s) to ensure a 'clean' version. OMFA reserves the right to reject any selections that have an inappropriate tone, either in style or content. Please contact OMFA if you have any questions.
f) Lengthy instrumental sections can be cut for performance.

a) Accompaniment must be by live acoustic piano only.
b) If you do not have a collaborative pianist (accompanist), the people on this list (click here: omfa.ca/collaborative-pianists-accompanists) have indicated that they are willing to play for the live festival. It is the competitor's responsibility to contact the collaborative pianist directly and negotiate a fee for their service.

a) Musicals that have only been workshopped, songs from revues, cabarets or songs that are written as stand-alone songs in musical theatre style - this repertoire now belongs in Songs from the Screen and More. Please refer to the SSAM Song List for suggested MT and SSAM repertoire (omfa.ca/live-festival/songs-from-the-screen-and-more-solo)
b) Songs from Movie Musicals or TV Shows.
c) Songs listed in the RCM or CC classical syllabi (List A and B from Levels 1-6).
d) Operetta/light opera selections (Gilbert & Sullivan, Romberg, Lehar, Johann Strauss).
e) Selections that are primarily spoken patter,( eg. 'Ya Got Trouble', The Music Man; 'Aaron Burr, Sir',Hamilton).
f) Selections from Junior show versions of musicals that have been cut or simplified
g) Vocal cuts except for repeated choruses
* Songs that first appeared in animated films or television shows can only be entered in Songs from the Screen and More. (i.e. most Disney movies) - please refer to the SSAM Song List: omfa.ca/ssam-chart

Entry forms must be complete to be accepted. Please use proper punctuation and do not use all caps. Full and accurate information must be included in all fields, including: Complete titles of pieces to be performed with the composer's name. It is important to note that if the Festival office has to contact you because of incomplete information (i.e. missing musical names, pieces that don't fit the rules of the category, etc.) a $25 charge will be issued. Failure to pay the charge will result in disqualification and refunds will not be given.

Musical Theatre - Solo


Elementary - Senior Levels must perform two (2) contrasting Musical Theatre selections.

Make sure to read the rules about permitted selections and, in particular, take note that songs that first appeared in animated films or movie musicals and TV Shows can only be entered in Songs from the Screen and More.

The maximum performance times are as follows:

Elementary Level: Ten (10) minutes

Junior Level: Ten (10) minutes

Intermediate Level: Fifteen (15) minutes

Senior Level: Fifteen (15) minutes

Advanced Level: will be required to perform three (3) selections.
The maximum performance time is: twenty (20) minutes

There is no minimum performance time.

Accurate performance times must be included on the entry form. Do not guess timings.

If you do not provide all information required (your YouTube video link, the PDF of your music and payment) by your Festival's Provincial deadline, it will result in disqualification. "To Be Decided" in any field will not be accepted and will result in disqualification.

In the field labelled "Movement/Musical", you MUST supply the name of the Broadway Show that the song is from. Failure to put this information in will result in a $25 change/correction fee being charged to the competitor. (i.e. Song Title: Naughty; Movement/Musical: Matilda)

Reasons for Disqualification
• Not providing all information required and/or not providing payment by your Festival's Provincial deadline
• "To Be Decided/TBD" in any field will not be accepted
• Teacher's name on music
• Offensive language (i.e. swear words)

Class:17001 - Musical Theatre - Elementary Level - Ages 11-12Live:$150.00Register
Class:17002 - Musical Theatre - Junior Level - Ages 13-14Live:$150.00Register
Class:17003 - Musical Theatre - Intermediate Level - Ages 15-16Live:$150.00Register
Class:17004 - Musical Theatre - Senior Level - Ages 17-18Live:$150.00Register
Class:17005 - Musical Theatre - Advanced LevelLive:$175.00Register

Musical Theatre - Adults - Solo


• Adult Classes are open to any amateur competitor 29 years of age and over.
An amateur shall be defined as any person whose principle means of livelihood is not obtained from the performance or teaching of music in the particular category in which they are competing, even though, from time to time, they may receive remuneration on an occasional basis (not full-time). Please click here for the full definition of Amateur vs Professional: omfa.ca/glossary
• Please note there is only one level of competition for Adults.


Please note there is only one level of competition for Adults.

Competitors must perform two (2) contrasting selections.

The absolute maximum performance time for the Adult class is fifteen (15) minutes.

There is no minimum performance time.

Accurate performance times must be included on the entry form. Do not guess timings.

If you do not provide all information required (your YouTube video link, the PDF of your music and payment) by your Festival's Provincial deadline, it will result in disqualification. "To Be Decided" in any field will not be accepted and will result in disqualification.

In the field labelled "Movement/Musical", you MUST supply the name of the Broadway Show that the song is from. Failure to put this information in will result in a $25 change/correction fee being charged to the competitor. (i.e. Song Title: Naughty; Movement/Musical: Matilda)

Reasons for Disqualification
• Not providing all information required and/or not providing payment by your Festival's Provincial deadline
• "To Be Decided/TBD" in any field will not be accepted
• Teacher's name on music
• Offensive language (i.e. swear words)

Class:17006 - Musical Theatre - Adults - Ages 29 and AboveLive:$150.00Register