2024 Live Results

Monday, June 10th

Chamber GroupsElementary/Junior
Classical Piano - Level 7Group AGroup BGroup CPlayoffs
Classical Piano - OpenGroup AGroup BGroup CGroup DPlayoffs
Classical Upper Strings - DiplomaGroup AGroup BPlayoffs
Classical Voice - Level 7Group AGroup BPlayoffs
Popular Voice - JuniorGroup AGroup BPlayoffs
Songs from the ScreenSenior/Adult
Speech ArtsJunior to Adult

Tuesday, June 11th

Chamber GroupsSenior
Classical Lower StringsLevel 8
Classical PianoAdult
Classical Piano - Level 6Group AGroup BGroup CGroup DPlayoffs
Classical Upper Strings - Level 8Group AGroup BPlayoffs
Classical Voice - Level 6Group AGroup BPlayoffs
Musical Theatre - SeniorGroup AGroup BPlayoffs
Popular PianoPopular Piano
Popular VoiceAdult and Advanced
Popular Voice Self-AccompaniedElementary and Junior
Songs from the Screen - IntermediateGroup AGroup BPlayoffs
Speech ArtsBeginner to Elementary

Wednesday, June 12th

Classical GuitarLevels 9, 10 and Open
Classical Lower StringsLevel 10
Classical Piano - Level 10Group AGroup BGroup CGroup DPlayoffs
Classical Upper Strings - Level 10Group AGroup BGroup CPlayoffs
Classical VoiceAdultLevel 10
Classical WoodwindsLevel 6Level 7
Musical Theatre - IntermediateGroup AGroup BGroup CGroup DPlayoffs
Popular VoiceSenior
Popular Voice Self AccompaniedIntermediate

Thursday, June 13th

Classical GuitarLevels 6, 7 and 8
Classical Lower StringsDiploma & OpenLevel 9
Classical Piano - Level 9Group AGroup BGroup CGroup DPlayoffs
Classical Upper Strings - Level 7Group AGroup BPlayoffs
Classical Upper StringsOpen & Adult
Classical Voice - Level 8Group AGroup BPlayoffs
Classical WoodwindsAdultDiplomaLevel 10Open
Junior Musical TheatreGroup AGroup BGroup CPlayoffs
Popular Voice - IntermediateGroup AGroup BPlayoffs
Songs from the Screen - ElementaryGroup AGroup BPlayoffs

Friday, June 14th

Classical Lower StringsLevel 7
Classical Piano - DiplomaGroup AGroup BGroup CGroup DPlayoffs
Classical Upper Strings - Level 9Group AGroup BPlayoffs
Classical VoiceLevel 9Open & Diploma
Classical WoodwindsLevel 8Level 9
Musical TheatreAdultAdvanced & Open
Popular Voice - ElementaryGroup AGroup BPlayoffs
Songs from the Screen - JuniorGroup AGroup BPlayoffs

Saturday, June 15th

Classical Lower StringsLevel 6
Classical Piano - Level 8Group AGroup BGroup CPlayoffs
Classical Upper Strings - Level 6Group AGroup BPlayoffs
Musical Theatre - ElementaryGroup AGroup BGroup CPlayoffs
Popular Voice Self-AccompaniedSenior, Advanced & Adult