Piece Selections
a) One of the selections must have been performed at the Local Festival and received a minimum mark of 85 and the recommendation of the local Adjudicator. The second selection is the competitor's choice but must follow the rules of this category.
b) All selections must be at the same grade level and at the level at which the competitor was recommended by the adjudicator. If the competitor has taken the practical portion of an exam prior to December 31st, 2024, then they cannot enter that level at the provincial live finals.
c) Please note that unlike RCM and CC exam requirements, both selections must be the same grade/level for the Provincial Competition.
d) Competitors must refer carefully to either the RCM or CC syllabus to determine how many and which movements of a selection are required (i.e. one mvt., two mvts., or complete). Failure to play the required movements could result in disqualification.
e) Studies/Etudes, as listed in the RCM or CC syllabi, will be permitted. However, only one (1) of the pieces selected may be a Study/Etude.
f) Selections must be musically contrasting. The Adjudicator will take song choice into consideration.
g) "Teacher's Choice" pieces are not permitted.
General Rules
a) Memorization is required. The only exception to this rule is for Sonatas - where memorization is not required.
b) All competitors must be an amateur which shall be defined as any person whose principle means of livelihood is not obtained from the performance or teaching of music in the particular category in which they are competing, even though, from time to time, they may receive remuneration on an occasional basis (not full-time). Please click here for the full definition of Amateur vs Professional: omfa.ca/glossary
c) All criteria listed in the OMFA General Rules (omfa.ca/virtual-festival/rules-regulations) must be strictly adhered to.
a) Accompaniment must be by acoustic piano only. Unless a piece is specifically written to be unaccompanied it must have accompaniment or the submission will be for adjudication only.
b) If you do not have a collaborative pianist (accompanist), the people on this list (click here: omfa.ca/collaborative-pianists-accompanists) have indicated that they are willing to help out by providing live or recorded accompaniments. It is up to the competitor to contact them directly and pay for this arrangement.
c) All criteria listed in the OMFA General Rules (omfa.ca/live-festival/rules-and-regulations) must be strictly adhered to.
Entry forms must be complete to be accepted. Please use proper punctuation and do not use all caps. Full and accurate information must be included in all fields, including: Complete titles of pieces to be performed with the composer's name. It is important to note that if the Festival office has to contact you because of incomplete information (i.e. missing movements, pieces at the wrong grade level, etc.) a $25 charge will be issued. Failure to pay the charge will result in disqualification and refunds will not be given.
Competitors must perform two (2) contrasting selections from the current Royal Conservatory of Music (RCM) or Conservatory Canada (CC) syllabus for their particular instrument.
The maximum performance time for levels 6-10 are listed below:
Levels 6 & 7: Fifteen (15) minutes
Levels 8 & 9: Twenty-five (25) minutes
Level 10: Thirty-five (35) minutes
There is no minimum performance time.
Accurate performance times must be included on the entry form. Do not guess timings.
If you do not provide all information required (i.e. the names of your pieces, movements, composer names and payment) by your Festival's Provincial deadline, it will result in disqualification. "To Be Decided" in any field will not be accepted and will also result in disqualification.
The only exception to this is the field labelled "Movement/Musical". If your piece is a sonata or a concerto, etc. you will need to define which movements you will be playing. If your piece does not have any movements please put "none".
Entry forms must be complete to be accepted. Please use proper punctuation and do not use all caps. Full and accurate information must be included in all fields, including: Complete titles of pieces to be performed with the composer's name. It is important to note that if the Festival office has to contact you because of incomplete information (i.e. missing movements, pieces at the wrong grade level, etc.) a $25 charge will be issued. Failure to pay the charge will result in disqualification and refunds will not be given.
Class | Live | |
Class:12001 - Classical Lower Strings - Level 6 | Live:$150.00 | Register |
Class:12002 - Classical Lower Strings - Level 7 | Live:$150.00 | Register |
Class:12003 - Classical Lower Strings - Level 8 | Live:$150.00 | Register |
Class:12004 - Classical Lower Strings - Level 9 | Live:$150.00 | Register |
Class:12005 - Classical Lower Strings - Level 10 | Live:$150.00 | Register |
• Open Level competitors must be performing at the ARCT/A.Mus. level or above but do not have to have attained their associate degree.
• Level 10 pieces and below are not permitted in this category.
• Pieces do not need to be listed in the RCM or CC syllabi.
A minimum of two (2) contrasting pieces are required, however, you may add a third piece if it fits within the prescribed time limit of 45 minutes.
If one selection is a sonata or concerto, at least two consecutive movements (a minuet and trio is considered one movement) must be performed, even if the RCM & CC Syllabi indicate that the complete piece is required. Playing the complete piece is optional as long as it fits into the set time limit.
If you do not provide all information required (i.e. the names of your pieces and payment) by your Festival's Provincial deadline, it will result in disqualification. "To Be Decided" in any field will not be accepted and will also result in disqualification.
The only exception to this is the field labelled "Movement/Musical". If your piece is a sonata or a concerto, etc. you MUST define which movements you will be playing. If your piece does not have any movements please put "none".
Accurate performance times must be included on the entry form. Do not guess timings.
The maximum performance time for Open is forty-five (45) minutes.
The absolute minimum performance time is fifteen (15) minutes.
Class | Live | |
Class:12007 - Classical Lower Strings - Open | Live:$175.00 | Register |
• Adult Classes are open to any amateur competitor 29 years of age and over.
An amateur shall be defined as any person whose principle means of livelihood is not obtained from the performance or teaching of music in the particular category in which they are competing, even though, from time to time, they may receive remuneration on an occasional basis (not full-time). Please click here for the full definition of Amateur vs Professional: omfa.ca/glossary
• Please note there is only one level of competition for Adults.
Competitors must perform two (2) contrasting selections.
The maximum performance time for the Adult class is twenty-five (25) minutes.
There is no minimum performance time.
Accurate performance times must be included on the entry form. Do not guess timings.
If you do not provide all information required (i.e. the names of your pieces, movements, composer names and payment) by your Festival's Provincial deadline, it will result in disqualification. "To Be Decided" in any field will not be accepted and will also result in disqualification.
The only exception to this is the field labelled "Movement/Musical". If your piece is a sonata or a concerto, etc. you MUST define which movements you will be playing. If your piece does not have any movements please put "none".
Class | Live | |
Class:12008 - Classical Lower Strings - Adult - Ages 29 and Above | Live:$150.00 | Register |